Join Women in Logistics (WIL) and receive all the benefits of membership...mentor program, job bank, resume vault, networking opportunities, educational events and discounted tickets. Your membership matters. All the...
Register here for Northern California's funnest industry golf tournament...WIL's Annual Golf Tournament held on Wednesday, June 18th at Chuck Corica, Alameda, CA. Check in begins at 11:30am / Shotgun start at 12:30pm...
Women in Logistics (WIL) and the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) proudly present luncheon speaker Bill Mongelluzzo, Senior Editor, Journal of Commerce. Mr. Mongelluzzo will discuss the upcoming ILWU...
It is time to renew your Women in Logistics (WIL) membership. WIL is open to both men and women in Erectile Dysfunction medicines will just help you get and maintain a strong and lasting erection, satisfying the...
Membership Matters
It is time to renew your Women in Logistics (WIL) membership. WIL is open to both men and women in the logistics So we can keep Barbie on the shelves, with her loyal eating disorder followers, but we cannot have a...
Notable Events
Warehouse Education & Research Council (WERC) will be conducting a tour of JoAnn Fabrics’ DC in Visalia, CA on Thursday, January 23rd. Click here for more information and registration It contains...