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The Trump Administration is in rapid-fire mode. For our industry, it is a mixed bag. On the plus side, we have changes at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a push by the Administration to have Congress review the EPA's Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG3)...


Just because the California Air Resources Board (CARB) withdrew its waiver request to the implement the Advanced Clean Fleet (ACF) rule does not mean they gave up. Oh, quite the contrary. A new bill was introduced in California's legislature last month with the...


Upon Danny Wan's retirement at the end of February, the Port of Oakland promoted Kristi McKenney to the role of Executive Director. Ms. McKenney has a long history with the port spanning 30 years, most recently as its Chief Operating Officer. Ms. McKenney takes the...


HGTV recently chose Carson City as the most charming small town in Nevada. Carson City is 20 miles south of Reno and is the state's capital with roots dating back to the silver rush of the 1850's. Click here to see the most charming small town in your state.


The oldest Chinese restaurant in the nation is in Woodland, CA, which is about 30 miles west of Sacramento. The Fong family opened the Chicago Cafe in 1903, and the third generation is now operating the restaurant. Enjoy a piece of history now!

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