Generally speaking, Americans are not a fan of the roundabout. While they are widely used in Europe, they are just not something we are accustomed to. Well, hold onto your steering wheel folks because the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) is becoming a fan of the roundabout. In order to reduce accidents and improve traffic flow, CalTrans has several of these intersection controls in the works. A “turbo roundabout” was just opened in the Northern California at the intersection of 156 and 25. Take a look at the video above on the left for our tour of how it works.
Additionally, CalTrans has installed 200 cameras in the Bay Area, adding to its network of cameras covering California’s roadways. The intent of the cameras is to improve safety and traffic flow. They can detect wrong-way drivers and significant traffic incidents. They can also be viewed by the motoring public and used as a tool to better plan and avoid accidents and congestion. The map on the right above is clickable and will lead you to an interactive map where you can see the location and live feeds of all the cameras.