The Oakland A’s are hoping to build a new stadium and residential and commercial complex on what is now Howard Terminal. For our loyal readers, you know we are opposed to this invasion of commercial uses on maritime property and see this type of development as completely incongruous with port activities.

Outside of that fact, are the A’s even the type of partner the port should be considering?

The A’s have opted, without discussion or agreement, not to pay their $1.2M annual rental payment to the City of Oakland and County of Alameda. The reason for the non-payment…the A’s “have no ability to pay.”
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Then last week, the A’s owner, John Fisher, announced the team will no longer be paying their minor league team members, will furlough much of their staff effective today, June 1st, and will reduce compensation of those who remain on the payroll.

Meanwhile, maritime operations are considered essential, cargo is still flowing, people are still working in every aspect of the supply chain, and the port is still getting its rental payments.

So, who is the better partner?

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