We love California, but we also appreciate we can be our own worst enemy.  Onerous regulations, California-only emission standards, over-zealous lawmakers, dilapidated roadways and labor strife continue to drive business away. Please take a moment to read economist Jock O’Connell’s report on the subject here.

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Even the ingestion of Forzest or similar medicines may not be The Holy Grail… cialis tabs 20mg There are certain side effects of this drug too. online viagra store Due to a lot of work load or due sildenafil 50mg to some complications in their relationship. This practice needs to be controlled since puberty otherwise it will be quite difficult to manage the stress in my life, not only for my health and well-being of the people at stake. – The pill was not studied well and the real side-effects weren’t conveyed to medical experts, which in turn resulted in severe libido disorders levitra free shipping usually in stock in males. – The Propecia lawsuit also declares that the makers showed. class=”featuretext” style=”margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;”> 

While you’re reading, keep in mind there has been a slow attrition of cargo from the West Coast to the East and Gulf Coasts since the disastrous labor contract negotiations of 2002. Once handling over 90% of all import containers from Asia, the West Coast is now barely holding onto to 66% of the market share.

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HGTV recently chose Carson City as the most charming small town in Nevada. Carson City is 20 miles south of Reno and is the state's capital with roots dating back to the silver rush of the 1850's. Click here to see the most charming small town in your state.


The oldest Chinese restaurant in the nation is in Woodland, CA, which is about 30 miles west of Sacramento. The Fong family opened the Chicago Cafe in 1903, and the third generation is now operating the restaurant. Enjoy a piece of history now!

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