Burning Man (and Devine) return to the Playa after a three-year, pandemic-caused, hiatus. It'll be a dusty, hot, and as free-spirited as ever.

Burning Man (and Devine) return to the Playa after a three-year, pandemic-caused, hiatus. It'll be a dusty, hot, and as free-spirited as ever.
Is it a sad state of affairs that we think a summer job in the supply chain chaos is fun? No matter how you answer that question, rest assured, working at Devine is fun. We needed some extra hands this summer, and we...
Uh-oh, Hershey announced there will likely be shortages of candy this Halloween. The horror! Despite working on chocolate candy production since April, the company is having trouble keeping up with demand. It seems...
HOT AUGUST NIGHTS In case you missed Hot August Nights, or even if you did not miss it, click on the link above for short video of the cars and fun
It has been a quiet month on the labor negotiation front. The sides continue to meet and hammer through the details, and the West Coast waterfront continues to operate without labor disruptions. All good news. We are...
Do you know what this part is? It is something used in truck or container transportation. Play "Name That Part" by liking us on Facebook. Click here to be directed to our page and place your guess. Good luck
Supply Chain interests are still swinging for the fences in the battle with Oakland A's, the City of Oakland, the Port of Oakland, and now the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) over the Oakland A's...
FREEWAY RESCUE Once again, drivers come to the rescue. This time, however, it is not because they delivered food, medical supplies and other goods during the midst of a pandemic but rather aiding in the rescue of a...
A week ago on August 25, 2022, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted in favor of their regulation requiring the transition to zero emission vehicles (ZEV) in California. The regulation requires 35% of the new...
They come in 100's in this family. WOW!