Meet the latest additions to the Blue Crew. Ten 2022 Freightliner Cascadia's complete with the latest technology to improve emissions and fuel usage. We also outfit them with electronic logging devices, (ELDs) and...

Meet the latest additions to the Blue Crew. Ten 2022 Freightliner Cascadia's complete with the latest technology to improve emissions and fuel usage. We also outfit them with electronic logging devices, (ELDs) and...
A global pandemic created a global shipping crisis. We do not say that lightly or flippantly. The congestion we have been experiencing for nearly a year has no end in sight. It is chronic. It is pervasive. It affects...
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THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS A newcomer to Reno, Kirsten Moran (Sports Reporter on KRNV), recently wrote about some of her favorite things she has discovered in the Biggest Little City. Mexcal...
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Judy Erin Wirth, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) judge reviewing the $1.8M case brought against chassis providers and ocean carriers by the American Trucking Associations (ATA), ruled the case should move...
There has been recent uptick in containers being lost overboard. Below is a list of incidents just within the past three months: ONE Apus 1816 MSC Aries lost 41 Maersk Essen 750 Ever Liberal 36 Therefore...